
Showing posts from 2017

T H E B R I D G E // E X P 3 F I N A L S U B M I S S I O N

Concept --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Youtube Animation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Real Time Images --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inspiration Sustainability Shape and Form Public and Privacy Moving Elements Textures Used Texture Perspective Drawings Draft - Final Proposal Draft Models Other Inspiration --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lumion Environment Dropbox File Sketchup Dropbox File The Bridge Draft and Sketches ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

T H E B R I D G E // D R A F T & S K E T C H E S


EXP2 | Links Compilation & Lumion Skechup File

LUMION FILE 3D WAREHOUSE -------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 SKTECHES TWO SHORT TEXTS & DRAFT MODEL 36 TEXTURES REAL TIME IMAGES (FINAL MODEL)

EXP2 | Final Model
